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Our Firm

Joel Cox Advocates is a duly registered law firm aproved by the Uganda Law council to practice law in Uganda and render such other legal services ordinarily carried out by Advocates. Other than the wide range of services offered by the firm, it is a typically specialised document handling firm whose mission is to ensure strict adherence to the current legal regime pertaining to preparations, analysis, filing, certification, registratoin and due deligence of documents for business, bank, & other similar purposes.This  is based on our firm commitment to deliver professional , efficient, equitable and legal services to our clients.


The Firm is driven by team spirit & practise motivated by high calibre professional conduct and ethics. The advance of modern communicationsoftwarentchnology ensures that our team is always in tandem with the latest practise developments and advances especially in the areas of our speciality; the advantageof which is reflected in the professionalservices we render to our clients.


we emphasize the appropriate approach that ensures speedy delivery of services to our clients in terms of preparation, registration, & delivery of legal documents in accordance with our client's instruction ns.


Joel Cox Advocates therefore strives to render servces to our esteemed clients that are beyond the purely legal arena by inter alia,examining the critical imperatives of our esteemed clients needsin the increasingly globalised world.


The firm has thus built reputation on the above stated  criteria & is always adaptable to new changes in the legalframework and enironment that enhances our capacity for service delivery  for the ultimate satisfactionof our clients.

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